Mobile Technologies in Hospitals and Schools
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This project engages in exploring how mobile technology can be used to support the educational and mental health needs of young people while hospitalised during the school year. Professional development that integrated technology into the curriculum using pedagogically sound models was the first stage of this project.
Mobile technologies offer a means for large numbers of students to stay connected with their peers and engaged with their learning.
Hospital schools are investing heavily in technology to support students and teachers, but state-of-the art rethinking about pedagogy is required to effectively utilise mobile technology in this complex teaching environment where so many different factors and pressures are juggled.
This project examined the impact an innovative professional development program to transfer teaching in the hospital context via the integration of mobile technologies with sound content and pedagogical knowledge.
The project demonstrates the possibilities of collaborative work between teachers, university researchers, hospital school leadership and students working together to develop an innovative, relevant and flexible program.