Distinguished Professor Larissa Hjorth
RMIT University | Artist, Digital Ethnographer and Director of the Design and Creative Practice ECP Platform
Since 2000, Hjorth has been researching the gendered and socio-cultural dimensions of mobile media and gaming cultures in the Asia–Pacific—these studies are outlined in her books, Mobile Media in the Asia-Pacific (Routledge, 2009), Games & Gaming (Berg, 2010), Online@AsiaPacific (with Arnold, Routledge, 2013), Understanding Social Media (with Hinton, Sage, 2013), Gaming in Social, Locative and Mobile Media (with Richardson, Palgrave, 2014), Haunting Hands (with K. Cumiskey, Oxford Uni Press, 2017), Digital Ethnography (with Pink, Horst, Postill, Lewis and Tacchi (Sage, 2016) and Screen Ecologies (with Pink, Sharp and Williams, MIT Press, 2016).
She has co-edited The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography (with Horst, Galloway and Bell 2017), The Routledge Handbook to New Media in Asia (with O. Khoo), The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media (with G. Goggin), Gaming Cultures and Place (with D. Chan), Mobile Technologies (with G. Goggin), Art in Asia-Pacific (with N. King & M. Kataoka), Mobile Media Practices, Presence and Politics: The Challenge of Being Seamlessly Mobile (with K. Cumiskey) and Studying Mobile Media (with I. Richardson & J. Burgess).
Hjorth is currently first CI on two Australian Research Council (ARC) grants: one Linkage with Intel, Locating the Mobile, on locative media in Japanese, Chinese and Australian households (with S. Pink & H. Horst) (LP130100848); one Discovery (with I. Richardson) Games of Being Mobile: mobile gaming in Australian everyday life (DP140104295).
Recent solo exhibitions include The Art of Play at Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne (July 2015). She co-curated Design & Play at The Design Hub with Lisa Byrne (April 2016) which included artists and designers exploring play.